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Here Are First Date Mistakes You Can Avoid


As always, the impression you make on your first date goes a long way in determining the success of the date and any relationship thereafter. However, there are some mistakes that, if committed during your first date, might negatively impact your success. First, you should be aware of potential actions that might hinder your dating efforts, and then make efforts to avoid engaging in such actions. In the section that follows, you will learn about the simple, yet common, mistakes you can avoid during your first date if you are to make a great first impression.

1. Showing up drunk

Some people become very anxious when preparing for a date, especially if it is the first one. They may lack confidence and feel the need to disguise that discomfort by taking a sip of alcohol. Sadly, even one sip of alcohol will work against you. Instead of maintaining humor and great wit to impress your date, you might lose that creativity-under the influence of alcohol, wrecking your confidence further. Avoiding alcoholic beverages during your first date should be an obvious fact, but some people ignore it anyways.

2. Overindulging in self-talk

Talking about yourself is very important during a first date, but only if it is done in an appropriate manner. After all, the purpose of setting up this date is to gain an opportunity to get to know each other. However, some people over do it. They talk too much about themselves and overshadow their date. You should disclose as little as possible so long as it is appropriate. For men, if you can get the lady to talk about herself, then good for you. It's better to be a good listener than a good talker. For ladies, if you talk about yourself during the date, you should also disclose only as much as is appropriate for the first date. Some talk, if brought up too soon, can freak out your date, and you might never hear from him again.

3. Dressing awkwardly

Wearing the right clothes for the occasion is very important for creating a great first impression. In this case, you want to wear clothes that make you feel comfortable. However, you need to take care that you neither overdress nor under-dress for the occasion. If that happens, you might find yourself more focused on your clothing, rather than the date, especially if the venue for the date is a surprise. To avoid such awkward moments, it is prudent to ask questions beforehand and get an idea of how you should dress for the occasion.

4. Lateness

If you do not like to be stood up during your first date, then you will not like if your date appears several minutes late either. If you feel that the circumstances will force you to be late for the date, you should communicate with your date as soon as possible to let them know about the situation. You should also disclose how late you will be so that your date will be prepared.To make good first impression though, you should aim to be in the venue early enough to establish dominance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Md_Manik_Hossain/2214758


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